How Five Element Acupressure offers profound insight into the Highly Sensitive/Reactive Animals in your life.
This insight unlocks ANSWERS!
One simple 5 minute acupressure tip to help your animal manage times of fear, sensitivity, overstimulation or even reactivity.
Acupressure changes the lives of animals!
Is your sensitive animal Touch-Resistant? Acupressure works for ALL animals – even those that don’t allow touch.
We’ll show you how to do acu with the Touch-Averse!
Acupressure works in a gentle, non-invasive way that even the most sensitive of animals respond well to. It’s the missing key in your animal care.
You can even use it with ultra-sensitive touch averse animals using our uniquely effective No Pressure Acupressureâ„¢ method!
I’m Susan Tenney and I’m an animal lover just like you! I’ve also spent the last 30 years showing people around the globe how to use acupressure professionally and with their own animals.
I’ve worked with National Agility Champions and Gold Medal winning United States Equestrian Teams as well as countless rescues and back yard horses.
So I KNOW how hard it is to help the Highly Sensitive and Reactive animals – AND what to do about it.
And what’s more, countless students report that not only do they get GREAT results, they feel a deeper sense of connection with these sensitive animals after using these techniques too.
If you can PAT your animal, you can do acupressure.
And if you CAN’T touch that animal you can STILL do point work with our No Pressure Acupressureâ„¢ method as your Plan B !
Just click the green button and we’ll keep you in the loop. You don’t want to miss learning :
** How to identify an animal’s Sensitivity Type so you can know EXACTLY how to help
**THE simplest method to help Sensitive Animals and HINT: it isn’t what you expect!
**Easy instructions on get started helping the animals you serve in your professional practice AND the caregivers who bring them to you
Sound good? Well your ANIMAL sure thinks it does…
[1: Scientific studies are referenced in the free training]