Get 10% off of our five essential charts for students in our courses. Includes the Canine edition of the following charts: Meridian chart, Point Summary chart, Write-in Point Summary chart, Five Element Theory chart, Shiatsu chart
The Canine Meridian chart has views of the side, front, back, top and bottom view of the horse. It shows all 12 meridians as well as the CV and GV channels. Also shown are most points along each channel.
The Canine Point Summary chart has the most commonly used points including the points covered in our Certification Program. The Study Aid chart is the same but with open spaces to practice writing in the points.
The Five Element Theory chart includes the 5E correspondences chart and the basic point formulas for your 5E sessions.
The Canine Shiatsu chart includes the full shiatsu routine with all Program points included.
For more information including images of each chart:
The Canine Point Summary chart
The Five Element chart (not species specific)