Online Classes
Your Elemental Business
$ 325.00
Design a business that is customized to YOU! Use the Five Elements to dive deep into your personal 5E Type to build your animal care business as a true expression of your true nature.
simple touch for happy healthy animals
$ 325.00
Design a business that is customized to YOU! Use the Five Elements to dive deep into your personal 5E Type to build your animal care business as a true expression of your true nature.
EnergyWork – Groundingâ„¢ gives students the essential energetic foundation for acupressure practice. Part 1 in our EnergyWorkâ„¢ series.
Purchase all four of our hugely popular EnergyWork™ courses and receive the No Pressure Acupressure ™ course (value $29) as a sign up bonus. More Details
This class puts basic canine anatomy at your fingertips so you can feel ease and confidence when locating acupressure points on your dog.